Дистанционное обучение > Вся грамматика английского онлайн > Содержание программы английского языка
Содержание программы английского языкаElementary 1 урок часть 1- the verb 'to be'; wh, where? who? why?; demonstrative pronouns (this,that, these, those); possessive adjectives (my, his, their, etc); possessive pronouns (mine, yours, etc); possessive 's 1 урок часть 2 - there is / there are; articles (a, an, the); have and have got; comparatives / superlatives 2 урок - Present Simple; adverbs of frequency (always, usually, sometimes, etc); imperative 3 урок - Present Continuous; Present Continuous and Present Simple; state verbs (be, like, love, hate, etc) 4 урок - Past Simple; regular/irregular 5 урок - Past Continuous; Past Continuous and Past Simple; used to 6 урок - Future; going to 7 урок - Modals 'must/mustn't, should/shouldn't, have to, had to/ didn't have to' 8 урок - Present Perfect Pre-Intermediate 1.Present Simple and Present Continuous 2. Articles a/an, the, zero article, article with names, one/ones 3. Countable and uncountable nouns; some, any, no, none; much / many, lots / a lot of, a little / a few 4. Past Continuous and Past Simple 5. Present Perfect and Past Simple; Present Perfect Continouos 6. Past Perfect 7. used to 8. Prepositions of time, place, movements 9. Adjectives and Adverbs 10. Should, ought to, had better 11. any-, every-, no-, some-, thing- 12. Passive 13. Reported speech 14.zero and first conditional; second conditional 15. Subject and object guestions Intermediate 1. Present Continuous comparison with Present Simple. 2. Past Simple and Present Perfect. 3. Present Perfect Simple and Present Perfect Cntinuous. 4. Future verb forms review. 5. Have to, had to, must, can, could 6. Present verb forms in future time clauses. 7. Comparatives and superlatives. 8. Passives. 9. Used to and would. 10. Third conditional. 11. Verbs + infinitive, verbs + -ing. Upper-Intermediate 1. Reported Speech 2. Defining and Non-defining relative clauses 3. If, so, in order fo 4. Present Perfect Simple / Present Perfect Continuous 5. Have/get something done 6. Will be doing / will have done 7. Question tags 8. Should have done, could have done 9. be always / constantly + ing 10. Past Perfect Simple and Continuous 11. Linking ideas |
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